Tuesday, 1:52 p.m.
My speech to the St. Petersburg Kiwanis Club:
All my life, my classroom has always been a pressbox. My classmates were the other writers, all in a row with notebooks and pens and laptops. My teachers were the athletes and coaches of the day. My field trips were to the athletic stadiums.
This is where I grew up. This is where I learned.
There are life lessons everywhere. I supposed that if you change tires for a living, there are a lot of universal truths in watching the wheels spin round. I suppose if you roof houses, there is homework to be gleaned from the tar. Me? I watched athletes. I asked questions. I tried to get smarter today than I was yesterday.
They say that sports builds character. I don't think that's quite right. I think it reveals character. I think the good guys are still the good guys. I think the bad guys are still everywhere. It's our job to figure it out.
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