On the last night he mattered to Tampa Bay, there were fans who cheered the name of Martin St. Louis. And that was good.
To those fans, the years mattered more than the end, and the way he played was more important than the way he left. And so, they showed St. Louis a bit of appreciation. You couldn’t begrudge them, because from now on, St. Louis is just another guy on just another team. Nothing more.
At the same time, there were people who hooted, people who treated his name as if it were a swear word. And that was good.
To those fans, the final act of betrayal was too serious to just shrug off. This wasn’t about money, and it wasn’t about contract or all the the things that drive off most athletes. This was about a guy who was paid very well to be here wanting to be there. You couldn’t begrudge those fans either, because the only thing St. Louis left them was their own bitterness. Nothing more.
In the middle of all the noise, however, there was one thing that fans should have been able to agree upon: Gratitude.
After all, St. Louis is the guy who gave them Ryan Callahan.
Bless his ungrateful little heart.
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