Tuesday, 6 a.m.
He can't say it, okay? He just can't.
Right about now, Lovie Smith may want to open a vein. He may want to throw himself upon the mercy of the court. He may want to quote to John McKay and suggest that execution of his offense – not to mention his defense, is a fine idea. He may want to warn to fasten your seat belts, because it looks like this season is going to be a bumpy ride.
But he can't. He cannot show weakness. He cannot blink. He cannot throw his hands to the heavens and start to look for Jeff Tedford's escape route.
He can't. So he says the familiar refrain of the freshly embarrassed. Yes, it was only one game. Yes, he is confident his team will do better. He was surprised, his team being so well prepared and all. And furthermore, grrr.
This is the life of a coach. He tries to be consoling without appearing soft. He appears to accept blame without totally accepting
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