FSU can’t keep up with Oregon’s tempo

by Gary Shelton on January 1, 2015 · 6 comments

in College Sports in Florida, Florida State University, general

Thursday, 9:10 p.m.


And so the longest winning streak in America ends in a hurry. The painstakingly slow FSU Seminoles died a quick death Thursday night. The Oregon Ducks could not wait to run their next play, and the one after that, and the one after that. They were in a rush to end FSU's dominance, and the Seminoles could not keep up.

They play offense in the fast lane, without pause, without breath. They are constantly on a fast break, forever running by an FSU team that would like it very much if Oregon would just slow the dickens down and play at the pace that everyone else plays. Even now, you can hear the fogeys whine. Why, this

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