Wednesday, 10:17 a.m.
Jerry Angelo is a former personnel director for the Bucs and former general manager of the Bears. Each week, Angelo answers your questions regarding the NFL. Send your questions to with "ask the expert'' in the subject line. The most interesting question will be selected.
That 78 percent of NFL players are broke shortly after retirement is a travesty. The parasitic player agents that are sucking out their 3 percent never go bankrupt, do they? Exactly what do they do for that 3 percent? I understand that ultimately, the players are responsible for their money and certainly some would go bankrupt no matter what. But with the right guidance and caring from the agents, many of these players could be financially sound when they leave the game.
And the leagues could help by requiring personal finances training for the players. Or the colleges (or NCAA), for which the players made lots of money when they played there, could provide financial planners, etc. That would almost certainly be a win-win situation, because if the player is financially successful for the long haul, he has a high likelihood of being a generous alumni donor many years from now.
— Scott Myers
Scott, you are a little misguided on this matter. The good agent, and most are, who make their living representing players earn their 3 percent. They do a lot of things for their clients that
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