(Each week, the readers take over GarySheltonsports.com and play Ask Gary. They send in a question, or a couple, and we all talk about the world of sports. Think of it as a radio show where you don't have to be on hold. Join us and ask a question, make a comment or be funny. Send the questions to GarySheltonsports@gmail.com.)
Saturday, 6 a.m.
Gary, I don't know if this is something worth discussing, but I glanced at an article today that stated September was the first month since 2009 that an NFL player was not arrested. Can that be true? We've all heard about some situations with players, but this statistic really surprised me.
Veronica Richardson
It surprises me, too. I don't know if that means that NFL players are doing better or if law enforcement is slipping. Or maybe it means that between Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson and Ray McDonald, the players got it out of their systems.
Think about it. This was the first month in six years that an NFL player hasn't been arrested.
Let's throw them a party. Wait. Maybe not.
Soon the fun starts. I pick the Blue Jays to win it all this year. I can't see anyone getting these guys out!
Which team do you think will be World Champs in 2015?
Howard Powders
I like Toronto, too. And I like the efficiency of the Cardinals. And, with Joe Maddon in the hunt, it would be nice to see the Cubs make a run.
But you know who I like best of all. I like the Royals. I think they're a seamless team, and I think Ben Zobrist was
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