Tuesday, 2 a.m.
He is not the first quarterback taken in the first round.
He is not the first quarterback to have the league pass on his talents.
He is not the first Christian quarterback.
Tim Tebow is not the first former Florida quarterback to fizzle out of the NFL. He is not the first to win the Heisman, and he is not the first to win a national championship. He is not the first player to try baseball.
So why does Tebow seem to drive half of the world crazy. (The other half, of course, is signing up for the Tebow Tour and Lecture.)
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Tebow continued to give the pros and the cons of his career some ammunition Monday night in a 12-7 victory over the Clearwater Threshers. He had a two-run single, but he struck out in the ninth.
In other words, Tebow's 30th birthday was spent a lot like all the days that came beforehand.
For some reason, Tebow seems to alternately delight and to drive fans crazy. It was that way when he was in the NFL, perhaps even when he was at Florida. Three times, he was in the top five voting for the Heisman, and yet the volume of his fans has led to those who deride most things he does.
Even his try at minor league baseball (he is hitting .239) has been split between people who seem to resent him trying to those who cheer every ground ball.
My suspicion is that the strong reaction to Tebow is twofold. One is the fans of former Florida opponents who hated their team competing against him. And the other is a twin reaction. Fans who love him see no flaws. Fans who hate him see no strengths. And the fight goes on.
Personally, I've always liked Tebow. People gripe that he gets too much publicity, but that's on the reporters, not on him. He's just a guy trying to play a game. And, from all accounts, he's been a pretty good guy.
Isn't sports better with him?
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