Bucs’ popgun offense can’t wound Lions

by Gary Shelton on December 7, 2014 · 1 comment

in general, Tampa Bay Bucs

5:38 p.m.

“Okay, guys. Here is how we score. I call it “Omaha.''

“First, we get a first and goal. Don't snicker. Hey, it could happen. Then, to take the Lions by complete surprise, we're going to lob the ball into coverage across the middle in the end zone. Naturally, it will be intercepted. But that's just the start of the plan.

“So James Ihedigbo intercepts the ball, and he has no idea what to do with it. So, ninny that he is, he decides to run the ball out of the end zone. That's the beauty of this plan. And because of his silliness, he fumbles when he's tackled! And we recover.

“Now, because we're the Bucs, we don't do much with the ball. In fact, it's third-and-14 when Josh McCown is flushed out of the pocket for a three-yard run. But what's that? Yep, the Lions are called for a facemask. It's an automatic first down.

“So we throw to Mike Evans, and makes the catch in the end zone. I don't know about you, but I think it's an unstoppable play. Detroit won't know what hit them. Maybe we should run it 8, 9 times. What do you think?''

Does anyone else think that make-believe offensive coordinator Marcus Arroyo started his meetings this way at One Buc Place? Certainly, he should have, because just like that, the Bucs happened upon their most creative burst of offense of the season. Maybe of several seasons. Call it Air Arroyo. Also, Err Arroyo.

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