Bucs find a glimmer of hope in beating Saints

by Gary Shelton on September 20, 2015 · 0 comments

in general

Sunday, 7:15 p.m.

After a week when voices near and far ran them through the wringer, the

GUEST COLUMNIST Andrew Astleford

Andrew Astleford

men in red rose up to turn the Mercedes-Benz Superdome blue.

For the moment, the gloomy skies above the Tampa Bay Buccaneers have parted, the monsoon has blown away and the thunderous words of anger directed at them after a Week 1 washout have been muted.

Late Sunday afternoon, the most-deafening noise of all after the Bucs’ 26-19 victory over the New Orleans Saints came near the visitors’ sideline, with coach Lovie Smith and general manager Jason Licht bouncing like kernels inside a popcorn maker after a hold-on-for-dear-

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