Saturday, 4 a.m.
Even when he speaks, Tom Brady has never said a lot.
He hides behind cliches and worn-out phrases, always careful to praise his teammates, always sure to build up the opposition. Forget what down it is? Don't talk about it. Dissatisfied with that team, or with this one? Don't bring it up. It is the Brady way.
But, frankly, it's time for Brady to speak up.
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There are too many "insiders" making comments, too many former teammates the world has forgotten giving you their version of Brady's final chapter. It is time that Brady told us if he went away, or if he went away mad.
The latest guesswork comes from an ex-Patriot named Rich Ohrnberger, who at last glance was neither Woodward nor Bernstein. Ohrnberger says that he's hearing that the relationship between Arians and Brady was "souring" last season.
And Brady? He says nothing. And the more nothing he says, the more credence he gives to the speculation.
Look, I've had a lot of bosses in my life, and at times, I disagreed with almost every one of them. The Bucs wanted Brady's opinion. They needed Brady's opinion. So I have no problem if the two of them butted heads from time to time. Coaches and quarterbacks do that.
But had that relationship had gotten bad enough to make Brady leave the game he has loved for more than two decades? And if it's not true, well, Brady certainly has enough platforms to say so.
Right about now, Brady's silence is encouraging the speculation. If it's untrue, that's unfair to Arians.
Now, here's the thing. One of the versions of the relationship is the Arians would come in after his own rehab(for his Achilles' tendon), and edit game plans. One question: He is the head coach, right? Isn't that his job? Does anyone think than anyone other than Bill Belichick had final say on the Pats' game plans all those years Brady was in New England?
Look, if Brady was frustrated, he's earned the right to be. But shouldn't he have discussed it with Arians?
Meanwhile, what is keeping Arians off the phone? If there is an ounce of trust that this contributed to Brady's retirement, doesn't he owe it to the organization to find out? If Brady might want to come back, shouldn't Arians find out about it?
During Brady's first season here, there were rumors that Brady wasn't crazy about Arians then, either. Arians said he and Brady used to joke about it. And when the Bucs made their Super Bowl run, the two of them seemed happy enough.
But that's the thing with Brady. There are always headlines and speculation and rumors. This pleases him. That doesn't.
Frankly, these reports don't honor Brady's legacy very much. For Brady, it's time to address one more record.
The one he should set straight.