Bishop manages to stay awake as Lightning cruises

by Gary Shelton on December 5, 2014 · 1 comment

in general, Tampa Bay Lightning

Bishop stops Buffalo's Girgensons/ANDREW J. KRAMER

Bishop stops Buffalo's Girgensons/ANDREW J. KRAMER


Sometimes, success comes hard. Sometimes, you have to make that extra effort along the way. Sometimes, you have to find that extra something.

Just ask Ben Bishop.

Bless his heart, he had to stay awake.

In a game that attempted to bore Bishop to death, the Lightning goaltender managed to fight off boredom and the Buffalo Sabres, in that order, on his way to a 5-0 victory Thursday night. Frankly, it may have been the easiest shutout ever recorded in the NHL. Any cushier, and Bishop could have worn flip-flops as he stood in front of the net.

For a period, Bishop may as well have thumbed through Christmas catalogues. In the second period, he might as well have taken his cell phone and done a little online shopping. Oh, the third period was a jolt of caffeine, considering the 106 minutes of penalties that was given out (110 for the game). Just as well. Bishop may have been considering watching the Shawshank Redemption on Netflix, and this just saved him the trouble.

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