Tuesday, 4 a.m.
During the great silence, we do not have Tom Brady. We do, however, have Jimmy Stewart.
We do not have Justin Verlander. We do have Babe Ruth.
we do not have LeBron James. We do have Jackie Robinson.
We are all going stir crazy in these take-me-away-from-the-crowd evenings. Sports have been shut down, and the arenas are dark, and only our imaginations can hint at how long it will be. A president has called the commissioners of the sports leagues urge the return of games, but the athletes are human, too. No, they shouldn't be at risk. The games will return...eventually.
In the meantime, we have movies.
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Those of you who know me best know how much I love movies, And so, I was delighted to see a slew of baseball movies featured this month on the TCM movie app on my iPad.
Turner Classic Movies is the home of great films, a place where -- for free -- you can see the best in Cinema. This month alone, you can watch the Seven Samurai, and The Apartment, and The Seven-Year Itch. You can watch Fiddler on the Roof and The Great Escape and Some Like It Hot.
And, you can watch The Babe Ruth Story. (He didn't steal any signs).
You can watch The Jackie Robinson Story (He didn't demand to be traded).
You can watch The Stratton Story (He didn't take steroids).
It's a nice way to spend an eventing when the ballpark is foul territory. They have Alibi Ike and the Winning Team and Take Me Out to the Ballgame.
No, it isn't perfect. But when it's free, how are you going to complain.
Look, if they had asked me, I would have added 10 baseball movies that entertained me. Just for fun, here's a list:
- Bang the Drum Slowly.
2. Eight Men Out
3. The Natural.
4. Field of Dreams.
5. A League of Their Own
6. Bull Durham
7. Pride of the Yankees
8. The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars and Motor Kings
9. Damn Yankees
10. Cob
Look, sports are better than movies. No one knows how a game will end.
Bu6 tase days, cinema is the best thing to entertain us.
Just wondering: What does Netflix have on this month?