Has Winston entered the NFL’s top 10?

by Gary Shelton on December 8, 2015 · 0 comments

in general, NFL, Tampa Bay Bucs

Is Winston alrady a top 10 quarterback?

Is Winston already a top 10 quarterback?

Tuesday, 6 a.m.

It is not only the distance he has traveled. It is the speed at which he has arrived.

His career is 12 games old — just that — and already, he owns his team. Heck, he owns his town. As of now, this is Winstonville, and he is the governor. His career has happened with the speed of a throw into the end zone. It has happened with impact of a run where he refuses to go down.

And now, three-fourths of the way through his rookie season, it is not too presumptuous to ask:

Is Jameis Winston already one of the top 10 quarterbacks in the NFL?

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