
Like many others, Briles leaves coaching in shame

June 1, 2016 College Sports in Florida

Wednesday, 6 a.m. And so Art Briles is tossed out of the fort. He walks away in shame, chased away by the very school he made matter. There is stain to his legacy. He is a man who defended sexual abuse, who shaped realities to where they did not happen. Fortunately, he worked for a […]

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We have lost our outrage over sports cheating

January 22, 2015 Tampa Bay Bucs

Thursday, 3:48 p.m. What happens when cheaters prosper? What happens when the rallying cry is “you’ve got to cheat us to beat us” and they do? What happens when we are all Patriots? In sports, the biggest fear is not cheating. The biggest fear is losing. Compared with losing, cheating looks smart, sly, clever. Cheating […]

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