
How much is fair to expect from Spence as a rookie?

May 3, 2016 general

Tuesday, 6 a.m. Forget about the drugs, if you can. Forget about his getting kicked out of the Big Ten. Forget about the parties, and the immaturity, and the journey back from nowhere. For the time being, just concentrate on the pass rush. For the time being, think about whether Noah Spence can finally provide […]

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Random Thoughts: Getting happy over football

February 28, 2016 general

Hello, I’m Noah Spence, and I’m here to tell you about happiness. Some football players play through the agony of the game. And some of us play for the Ectasy. – A redraft of the 2011 NFL drafts has the Bucs with Orlando Frankin, non-descript guard, instead of Adrian Claiborne, a non-descript end. Nah, not […]

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